Thursday, 19 November 2009

Knocking on someone's door...

Well hello there Nessie!!


"Who dares to disturb me?" ....

It's only me..... hello!

"Maybe next time you should knock, before you come in. I'm having my beauty sleep here..." said Nessi

"Whoops!!" replied Myst, shyly.



*YAWN* "Yes.....?" said Nessie, with a tired look on her cute face.

"It's only me again!" answered Myst

"I did knock this time round"

"And, what do you want?" snarled Nessie

"Well, I just wanted to say HELLO!" replied Myst

"I'm refusing to talk to you, because you hadn't brought me any breakfast....not even a small crumb!" said Nessie

"Oh, well...ummmm ok. Picky So & so......" whispered Myst.

"What did you just say?!" asked Nessie

"Oh, nothing. I said, Yes all mighty Princess Nessie..."

", I'm going back to sleep now" .... *YAWN*