Monday, 12 October 2009

Homemade Large Gnaw Biscuit...

Phew, I have been busy these past few days,
however I had been making lots of
different recipes for Nessie to try out.

So, tonight, I gave a big biscuit for
Nessie to try out...

"Tasty! Is this mine?" said Nessie

"Oh yes, do you like it? " asked Myst

".....I'm Lost with ... words... yum....m...." mumbled Nessie

" not sure which way to eat it?" asked Nessie

"How about over there?" pointed Myst

"Oh, yes!" squeeled Nessie

"Hmmm... I must find a way into this large biscuit....must think of a ...plan!" mumbled Nessie

"What you talking to yourself about?" asked Myst

"Nothing...." replied Nessie, with a big grin on her face

"Ok, I can do this!" whispered Ness

"Do what?" asked Myst

"You'll see......" replied Nessie

Well Nessie did manage to fulfil her plan
& managed to get through her entire biscuit
in one evening & eventually put all of it
inside her house, making her sleep outside instead!