Tuesday, 7 July 2009

New Planetariums for Nessie

On Sunday, we had been very busy & we went to a carboot sale.
This was my first car boot sale that I've ever been too.

When we was there, we saw this Rotastak cage for sale
so we brought for a really cheap price. And it was
in a good condition.

Then yesterday (Monday), I spent most of the afternoon
cleaning it. It needed a wash, so I gave it a:

1) Washing up liquid wash
2) A water bath wash
3) A disinfectant bath wash (Soaking it in diluted Dettol)
4) Soaking it in a final water bath wash
5) DONE!

Here are the clean washed tubes & bits & one of the lids

A smaller and larger lid

The main play pen areas

Here is the final reconstruction of it together after an hour's work of it.

(Nessie's in the bottom left hand corner of the planetariums)

"This is so fun!" said Nessie

Here is Nessie going through the tubes