Saturday, 27 June 2009

Busy times

Have been very busy lately,
firstly I had been away camping
and lots of other random things happening too.

However, I have taken lots of photographs
during my trip in Isle of Wight and when I got
back, Nessie didn't seem to miss me much, lol!

Inside her cage was a state and she pushed all her straw
hays all towards her house. Ripped up her 'temporary'
cardboard toliet corner into bits and ate all her
food stick in 3 days! And she stashed it all
into her toliet corner, eughhh!!

Sandown Beach

These guys lit up when they thought it was feeding time by the staff

Long lost distant cousins of Nessie, maybe?

Funny toucan


These crocs look like if they were made from plastic lol!
They are just enjoying the sun.

Amazon World Zoo Park

Shanklin Beach

Open park at the Old Village in Shanklin

Me tent

Nice view from my tent